A few months ago I decided that I wanted to make a change in my life and one of the areas I need a huge change is my health. I have dealt with many challenges as it pertains to becoming healthier, some of my own and other internally, ( I will share more of these stories in my blog) but recently I was introduced to a product that has helped many to lose 5lbs in 5 days, I've personally lost 6lbs in 10 days, but very excited about that small accomplishment. So within the product line I have seen many success stories and decided to create on of my own. Using the dietary supplements and some will power I have decided to embark on a 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge to jump start my change. Feel free to follow my journey or join me whenever you feel like you are ready for a change.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My 10 lb before and after.

Good Morning,

I'm 10 days in to my 30 day challenge and today I reached my 10lb weight loss mark. So you are probably saying I thought you loss weight with the tea last month... I did but it was accumulative and because I wasn't on a meal plan I would lose 3 or 4 and gain 2 or 3. I was mainly taking the tea for its health benefit, weight loss was the side effect. After following many of my TLC team members and seeing them have amazing results with the HCG and the Tea I decided to embark on my on 30 day challenge which includes meal plans. I'm actually 7 days into Phase 2, which is when my weight loss began. I decided to take a picture at every 10lbs of this journey and share for my own encouragement and motivation and anyone who is looking for a program to help them reach their goals. Learn more at www.itpaystodrinktea.com 

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